My name is Mandy Monath. I’m a writer, and this is my writing website. Thank you for visiting.
I write essays, poetry, children’s books, plays, and short stories. I love both sides of writing: the solitary typing away in your cozy garret and the mudwrestling lovefest of collaboration and critique.
My books are sold online and available in independent bookstores everywhere. I like to talk about writing and would love to visit your writing group, bookstore, book club, or classroom.
This year (February 1), I am publishing and promoting my children’s book, How Counting Came to Be (illustrated by Molly Liefert). It tells a funny and engaging story of a cave girl who discovers numbers.
Last year, I published my book of poetry called This Is Like That: Poems and Process. Unlike a traditional chapbook, this one combines original lyric poetry with reflections on how poetry gets written, and it gives readers the opportunity to participate in the creative process, i.e. write in the book.
The writing life has brought me many friends: creative thinkers, good writers, talented illustrators, sharp editors, generous bookstore owners, and best of all, readers.
If you have questions, please contact me. Let’s talk!
Ep 1 Writing with Mandy Monath Podcast: https://youtu.be/Uo63HPosSyo?feature=shared